Creekside Community Members Volunteer at Convoy of Hope
Convoy of Hope is a faith-based, nonprofit organization based out of Springfield. They have served more than 70 million people worldwide by sharing food, water, emergency supplies, teaching about agriculture and continually giving opportunities which help empower people to become independent and free from poverty, disease, and hunger. Each Tuesday evening Convoy hosts an event called
“Hands of Hope.” This event gives the Springfield community the opportunity to partner with the organization in these efforts. Creekside community members voiced an interest in investing in their community, so in February of this year, we started attending Hands of Hope once a month. What makes this event so much fun is that each time we go is different! Our community members have done everything from sorting suits from Men’s Warehouse which would be given to rural pastors, to packaging bags of rice which would be shipped to Africa, to creating “garden how-to kits” for urban communities in the United States. Each month our numbers have grown, and the excitement for serving has as well. We look forward to continuing this partnership with Convoy and other volunteer organizations in 2016.