Ozarks Live Host Joy Robertson Speaks at Creekside
Creekside values the relationships made with families of Community Members. This week, Joy Robertson, the daughter of a former beloved Community Member, Whitey Robertson, came and presented to our community. Joy has been on Springfield televisions since 1997, anchoring the nightly news for 15 years, then with the Food Channel and the popular tv show Ozarks Live. Joy talked about how she got into journalism; the people she has met in the business; and the stories she has covered. She spoke of the highs (covering part of the Clinton/Gore election) and lows (seeing the aftermath of the Joplin tornado) with a personal passion that made her relatable to our community members. At the end of her presentation, Joy took time to answer questions from the Community Members. One of the women in the audience said “Joy has been in my living room for years. It’s so nice to see she’s just a normal person.” We loved having Joy’s father here, and consider her one of the Creekside family.