Creekside 30 Year Anniversary Fundraiser for Ambassadors for Children
When the team at Creekside started talking about our thirty year anniversary, we wanted something different, not just a party. We wanted to do something that would make a difference for someone. With the help of three of Creekside community members Anne Henry, Cathy Carrelton and Deb Stratman as part of our fundraising committee, we took a fun enjoyable night, âJazz Nightâ, and turned it into a fundraiser for Ambassadors for Children, an outreach service of the Council of Churches of the Ozarks.
In Greene, Christian, and Taney Counties, there are approximately 1,000 children in foster care at any given moment. Ambassadors for Children through donations are able to provide children in foster placement with eye wear, shoes, two visits a year to the âKidsâ Closetâ, a fun and inviting location that allows a child to choose new clothing. For some children, this is the first time theyâve had clothing that is new and in their exact size.
Our goal was to raise $3,000, with a donation of $30 Creekside Community members enjoyed a meal of lobster tail and steak, listened to a Jazz band and were able to bid on silent auction items that were donated by our vendors and local businesses. Through the generosity of these vendors, Creekside community members, and our team members we were able to raise $3829. With the matching dollar program from VHS of $1,000, and with a few more donations, we were able to give Ambassadors for Children a check in the amount of $5000. Our donation was generously matched at the April 22nd, Sweetheart Night event.